Publikációk, konferencia-megjelenések
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- Mokos, J Scheuring, I. 2020: Altruism, costly signaling, and withholding information in a sport charity campaign. Evol. Mind and Behav., DOI: 10.1556/2050.2019.00007
- Pásztor, L., Barabás, G., & Meszéna, G. 2020: Competitive exclusion and evolution: convergence almost never produces ecologically equivalent specie. Am. Nat. Just Accepted
- Penn, D. J., & Számadó, S. 2020: The Handicap Principle: how an erroneous hypothesis became a scientific principle. Biological Reviews, 95(1), 267-290. doi: 10.1111/brv.12563
- Szilágyi, A., Könnyű, B. & Czárán, T. 2020: Dynamics and stability in prebiotic information integration: an RNA World model from first principles. Sci Rep 10: 51
- Apari P, Bajer K, Brooks DR, Molnár O 2019: Hiding in plain sight: an evolutionary approach to the South American Zika outbreak and its future consequences. Zoologia 36: 1–7.
- Apari P, Müller V 2019: Paradoxes of tumour complexity: somatic selection, vulnerability by design, or infectious aetiology?. Biological Reviews 94: (3). 1075–1088
- Boros Á, Orlovácz K, Pankovics P, Szekeres S, Földvári G, Fahsbender E, Delwart E, Reuter G. 2019: Diverse picornaviruses are prevalent among free-living and laboratory rats (Rattus norvegicus) in Hungary and can cause disseminated infections. Infection Genetics and Evolution 75:103988.
- Boza, G, Worsley, S, Yu, DW and Scheuring, I. 2019: Efficient assembly and long-term stability of defensive microbiomes via private resources and community bistability. PLOS Comp. Biol. 15(5):e1007109
- Cressman R, Koller M, Garay MB, Garay J 2019: Evolutionary substitution and replacement in N-species Lotka–Volterra systems. Dynamic Games and Applications, 1–24 DOI:10.1007/s13235-019-00324-0
- Czégel, D., Zachar, I. & Szathmáry, E. 2019: Multilevel selection as Bayesian inference, major transitions in individuality as structure learning. Royal Society Open Science 6(8)
- Garay J 2019: Technical review on derivation methods for behavior dependent functional responses. Community Ecology 20(1), 28–4
- Garay J, Garay BM, Varga Z, Csiszár V, Móri TF 2019: To save or not to save your family member’s life? Evolutionary stability of self-sacrificing life history strategy in monogamous sexual populations. BMC Evolutionary Biology 19(1):147
- Jaarsma RI, Sprong H, Takumi K, Kazimirova M, Silaghi C, Mysterud A, Rudolf I, Beck R, Földvári G, Tomassone L, Groenevelt M, Everts RR, Rijks JM, Ecke F, Hörnfeldt B, Modrý D, Majerová K, Votýpka J, Estrada-Peña A. 2019: Anaplasma phagocytophilum evolves in geographical and biotic niches of vertebrates and ticks. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 7:67.
- Jordán, F., Pereira, J., Ortiz, M. 2019: Mesoscale network properties in ecological system models. Current Opinion in Systems Biology, 13:122–128.
- Kovács-Hostyánszki, A., Földesi, R., Báldi, A., Endrédi, A., Jordán, F. 2019: The vulnerability of plant-pollinator communities to honeybee decline: A comparative network analysis in different habitat types. Ecological Indicators, 97:35–50.
- Kun Á., Oborny B. and Dieckmann, U. 2019: Five main phases of landscape degradation revealed by a dynamic mesoscale model analysing the splitting, shrinking, and disappearing of habitat patches. Scientific Reports 9:11149
- Móréh, Á., Jordán, F. 2019: Comparing community response indices in aquatic food web models. Advances in Oceanography and Limnology, 10(2).
- Piross IS, Harnos A, Rózsa L 2019: Rensch’s rule in avian lice: contradictory allometric trends for sexual size dimorphism. Scientific Reports 9: 7908.
- Reiczigel J, Marozzi M, Fábián I, Rózsa L 2019: Biostatistics for parasitologists – a primer to Quantitative Parasitology. Trends in Parasitology 35(4): 277–281.
- Reuter G, Várallyay É, Baráth D, Földvári G, Szekeres S, Boros Á, Kapusinszky B, Delwart E, Pankovics P. 2019: Analysis of a novel RNA virus in a wild northern white-breasted hedgehog (Erinaceus roumanicus). Archives in Virology 164:3065–3071.
- Roberts TP, Kern FB, Fernando C, Szathmáry E, Husbands P, Philippides AO, Staras K. 2019: Encoding Temporal Regularities and Information Copying in Hippocampal Circuits. Sci Rep. 9(1):19036. doi: 10.1038/s41598-019-55395-1.
- Scheuring I., Szilágyi, A. 2019: Diversity, stability, and evolvability in models of early evolution. Current Opinion in Systems Biology, 13:115–121
- Számadó, Sz., Czégel, D. & Zachar, I. 2019: One problem, too many solutions: How costly is honest signalling of need?. PLoS ONE, 14(1):e0208443
- Szekeres S, van Leeuwen AD, Tóth E, Majoros G, Sprong H, Földvári G 2019: Road-killed mammals provide insight into tick-borne bacterial pathogen communities within urban habitats. Transboundary and Emerging Diseases 66:277–286
- Varga T., Móri TF., Garay J. 2019: The ESS for evolutionary matrix games under time constraints and its relationship with the asymptotically stable rest point of the replicator dynamics. Journal of Mathematical Biology 1–32
- Vig-Milkovics, Z., I. Zachar, Á. Kun, A. Szilágyi, and E. Szathmáry. 2019: Moderate sex between protocells can balance between a decrease in assortment load and an increase in parasite spread. Journal of Theoretical Biology 462:304–310. doi: 10.1016/j.jtbi.2018.11.020
- Yosef R, Strutzer O, Tabibi R, Rózsa L 2019: Infestations of lice of steppe buzzards (Buteo buteo vulpinus) differ from those of common buzzards (Buteo buteo buteo). Journal of Raptor Research 53(1): 102–108.
- Czégel, D., Balogh, S. G., Pollner, P., & Palla, G. 2018: Phase space volume scaling of generalized entropies and anomalous diffusion scaling governed by corresponding non-linear Fokker-Planck equations. Scientific Reports, 8(1):1883.
- Fragata, I; Simoes, P; Matos, M; Szathmary, E; Santos, M 2018: Playing evolution in the laboratory: From the first major evolutionary transition to global warming. Europhysics Letters 122: 3 Paper: 38001
- Gámez, Manuel; Inmaculada, López; Carmelo, Rodríguez; Varga Zoltán, Garay József 2018: Game-theoretical model for marketing cooperative in fisheries. Applied Mathematics and Computation 329: 325–338
- Garay J., Számadó Sz., Varga Z., Szathmáry E. 2018: Caring for parents: an evolutionary rationale. BMC Biology, 16:53
- Garay József, Varga Zoltán, Móri Tamás F., Inmaculada López, Manuel Gámez, Juan R. Gallego & Tomás Cabello 2018: Opportunistic random searcher versus intentional search image user. Scientific Reports, 8: 3336
- Garay, J., Cressman, R., Móri, T.F. Varga, Z. 2018: The ESS and replicator equation in matrix games under time constraints. J. Math. Biol. 76: 1951–1973.
- Garay, J; Csiszár, V; Móri, TF; Szilágyi, A; Varga, Z; Számadó, Sz. 2018: Juvenile honest food solicitation and parental investment as a life history strategy: A kin demographic selection model. PLoS ONE 13:3 e0193420.
- Kun Á. 2018: Publish and Who Should Perish: You or Science?. Publications 6(2): 18
- Kun Á. és Radványi Á. 2018: The evolution of the genetic code: impasses and challenges. BioSystems 164:217‒225
- Móréh Á, Szilágyi A, Scheuring I & Müller V. 2018: Variable effect of HIV superinfection on clinical status: Insights from mathematical modeling. Frontiers in Microbiology 9:1634.
- Müller, V., de Boer, RJ, Bonhoeffer, S & Szathmáry E. 2018: An evolutionary perspective on the systems of adaptive immunity. Biol Rev Camb Philos Soc. 93:505–528.
- Nordbotten, JM; Levin, SA; Szathmáry, E; Stenseth, NC. 2018: Ecological and evolutionary dynamics of interconnectedness and modularity. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, USA 115: 750–755.
- Piross IS, Saliga R, Solt Sz, Horváth É, Kotymán L, Harnos A, Rózsa L, Palatitz P, Fehérvári P 2018: A tolltetű-fertőzöttség és fészekaljméret kapcsolata a vörös vércsénél (Falco tinnunculus) [The relationship of louse infestation and clutch size in the Common Kestrel (Falco tinnunculus)]. Magyar Állatorvosok Lapja (in press)
- Podani, J.; Kun, Á.; Szilágyi, A. 2018: How fast does Darwin’s elephant population grow?. Journal of the History of Biology, 51: 259–281.
- Rózsa L. 2018: Railway-facilitated dispersal of the Spanish Sparrow (Passer hispaniolensis) during its current range expansion in the Pannonian Basin. BioInvasions Records 7(4): 469–473.
- Sanchez, C., Gamez, M., Burguillo, F. Garay J. and Cabello, T. 2018: Comparison of predator-parasitoid-prey interaction models for different host plant qualities. Community Ecology 19(2):125–132
- Sándor AD, Földvári M, Krawczyk AI, Sprong H, Corduneanu A, Barti L, Görföl T, Estók P, Kováts D, Szekeres S, László Z, Hornok S, Földvári G. 2018: Eco-epidemiology of novel Bartonella genotypes from parasitic flies of insectivorous bats. Microbial Ecology 76:1076–1088.
- Scheuring István 2018: Korrupció a laborban. Magyar Tudomány 179: 4, 485–495
- Steels, L ; Szathmáry, E. 2018: The evolutionary dynamics of languag. BioSystems 64: 128-137.
- Vásárhelyi Zsóka and István Scheuring 2018: Behavioural specialisation during the Neolithic – An evolutionary model. Frontiers in Sociology doi: 10.3389/fsoc.2018.00035
- Zachar, I; Szilágyi, A; Számadó, Sz; Szathmáry, E. 2018: Farming the mitochondrial ancestor as a model of endosymbiotic establishment by natural selection. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, USA, 115: E1504–E1510.
- Zachar, I; Szilágyi, A; Számadó, Sz; Szathmáry, E. 2018: Reply to Garg and Martin: The mechanism works. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, USA, 115: E4545–E4546.
- Bertels, F., Marzel, A., Leventhal, G., Mitov, V., Fellay, J., Günthard, H. F., Böni, J., Yerly, S., Klimkait, T., Aubert, V., Battegay, M., Rauch, a., Cavassini, M., Calmy, A., Bernasconi, E., Schmid, P., Scherrer, A. U., Müller, V., Bonhoeffer, S., Kouyos, R. & Regoes, R. R. 2017: Dissecting HIV virulence: heritability of setpoint viral load, CD4+ T-cell decline, and per-parasite pathogenicity. Molecular Biology and Evolution 35: 27–37.
- de Vladar, Harold P; Szathmáry, Eörs 2017: Beyond Hamilton's rule. Science 356: 6337 485–486.
- de Vladar, HP ; Santos, M ; Szathmary, E 2017: Grand Views of Evolution. Trends in Ecoogy & Evolution 32: 324–334
- Garay, J., Csiszár, V., Móri T.F. 2017: Survival phenotype, selfish individual versus Darwinian phenotype. Journal of Theoretical Biology 430: 86–91
- Hardi R, Babocsay G, Tappe D, Sulyok M, Bodó I, Rózsa L 2017: Armillifer-infected snakes sold at Congolese bushmeat markets represent an emerging zoonotic threat. EcoHealth 14(4): 743–749.
- Lang Z, Rózsa L, Reiczigel J 2017: Comparison of measures of crowding, group size and diversity. Ecosphere 8(7): e01897.
- Reiczigel J, Rózsa L 2017: Do small samples underestimate mean abundance? It depends on what type of bias we consider. Folia Parasitologica 64: 025.
- Rózsa, L., Apari, P., Sulyok, M., Tappe, D., Bodó, I., Hardi, R. & Müller, V. 2017: The evolutionary logic of sepsis.. Infect Genet Evol 55:135–141.
- Sousa, J. D. de, Müller, V. & Vandamme, A-M. 2017: The epidemic emergence of HIV: what novel enabling factors were involved?. Future Virology 12(11): 685–707.
- Szilágyi, A.; Boza, G.; Scheuring, I. 2017: Analysis of stability to cheaters in models of antibiotic degrading microbial communities, Journal of Theoretical Biology. Journal of Theoretical Biology 423:53–62.
- Szilágyi, A.; Zachar, I.; Scheuring, I.; Kun, Á.; Könnyű, B.; Czárán, T. 2017: Ecology and evolution in the RNA world dynamics and stability of prebiotic replicator systems. Life 7(4):48
- Zachar, I. & Szathmáry, E. 2017: Breath-giving cooperation: critical review of origin of mitochondria hypotheses. Biology Direct, 12(19). doi: 10.1186/s13062-017-0190-5